Aberdeen City Libraries

At Aberdeen City libraries you can access a range of information and events that can support your health and wellbeing including our healthy reading collections, leaflets, health talks and dedicated webpages.

Our healthy reading collections were developed with input from health care professionals and contain a mix of self- help, biographical and mood boosting fiction titles. Covering cancer and many other relevant topics they are designed to offer help and support to people living with conditions, their family and friends and anyone else with an interest.

Support Services

Age specific support

All age groups are supported.


A range of books available for children and adults.

Carer support

Our healthy reading collections are designed to support carers. Our online resources offer a 24/7 service providing access to learning, online magazines and music streaming for free.

Complementary therapies

Books available on complementary therapies but we do not run any within our libraries.

Information about programmes, screening and tests

Leaflets available to request pick up and take away from Central, Mastrick and Tillydrone libraries.

Emotional support

A range of mental health books and resources available.

Groups and social activities

Libraries run and host a range of activities including author, local history and health talks and workshops.

Nutrition advice

There is a nutrition section within healthy reading collections. Every year we organise nutrition talks with experts from the Rowett Institute within our health talks programme.

Practical support

Books, leaflets and signposting services.


Reading something you enjoy for just 6 minutes a day can reduce stress levels by two thirds and help you to relax. Our libraries are free to come, browse and sit in. We offer a range of reading materials, music and film that can be borrowed.

Stress management and sleep guidance

There is a wide range of titles on sleep and topics such as mindfulness to help with stress management and sleep.

Stress and pain management

There is a range of books on chronic pain within our healthy reading collections.

Wellbeing support

Our services are designed to provide self support for wellbeing.


We can assist people to search for and understand health information countering false reporting in the media and have developed this suite of videos: http://bit.ly/NavHealthVideos